miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014

Map reduce is dead

In I/O today Google announced that they are not anymore using MapReduce. Google change the way we thought by using cheap computers for processing data. Right now MapReduce is used in a lot of research and others.

The problem is that MapReduce does not work well with streaming analytics.

What new paradigm will appear for replace MapReduce?

Google announced Cloud Dataflow

lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

Mac OS X Yosemite and Alfred

Just watching the Apple keynote today and I think the new Spotlight of OS X Yosemite is like a copy of the app Alfred. What do you think?

Estaba viendo el Keynote de Apple y el nuevo Spotlight de Mac OS X Yosemite me pareció una copia de la aplicación Alfred. Que les parece a ustedes?
